Piles Cure in 3 Days: Fast & Effective Home Treatments

Are you struggling with pain, itchiness, or burning sensations caused by piles (hemorrhoids)? You may have come across claims of a “piles cure in 3 days,” but is it really possible?

The short answer: No, piles cannot be completely cured in just three days.

However, there are fast and effective treatments, especially minimally invasive surgeries, that can significantly relieve symptoms and speed up recovery. This article covers the best treatment options, their benefits, and essential tips to prevent piles in the future. So, let’s get started and learn in detail.

Piles Cure in 3 Days: A Realistic Approach

Though it is not possible to cure piles in 3 days, different surgical procedures can provide effective relief and quick recovery. According to research, laser piles surgery also called “Laser haemorrhoidoplasty” is the best alternative to treat piles in a short period.

1. Laser Piles Surgery (Laser Haemorrhoidoplasty) – Fastest Option

A study reports that laser piles surgery or Laser haemorrhoidoplasty is an effective, minimally invasive procedure to treat piles, especially for grades 2 & 3 piles or hemorrhoids. This procedure uses the advanced highly-focused laser device to target swollen hemorrhoids. The process lasts for about 20-30 minutes.

How it Works:

  • Preparation: The healthcare providers give local anesthesia to patients to numb the particular area or general anesthesia for a complete state of sleepiness.

  • Positioning: Patients are asked to lie down on their backs and bend their knees for better access.

  • Proctoscopy: The surgeon then examines the inner area of the anus and rectum through a proctoscope (a small piece of equipment).

  • Laser Application: The provider then inserts a laser fiber into the anus and directs at those hemorrhoidal tissues.

  • Target the Piles: The laser beam then hardens the blood vessels and shrinks the swollen hemorrhoids.


  • The patients come out of the sedative effects of anesthesia after 4-6 hours of the surgery.

  • The recovery takes around 2–3 weeks but the time can vary based on the severity of the condition and overall health of patients.

  • The healthcare providers will prescribe some pain medications like ibuprofen to prevent discomfort and stool softeners for painless bowel movement (pooping).

  • They will also suggest a sitz bath (soaking your bottom for 10-15 minutes in warm water for 2-3 times each day) to reduce swelling.

  • The providers will also suggest a fiber-rich diet, Kegel exercises, and proper hygiene to speed up healing.

  • Discomfort and bleeding are common which resolves within 2 weeks. However, if they persist, see a doctor. 

Benefits of Laser Piles Surgery:

Laser treatment provides several benefits:

  • Less discomfort than other surgical procedures

  • Reduced hospital stay

  • Shorter recovery period

  • Less risk of post-surgery infection

  • Minimal bleeding during surgery

  • Quick transition to normal routine

  • Reduced recurrence risk

  • Quick symptom relief

  • Fewer follow-ups

Risks of Laser Surgery:

Though it is an effective surgical procedure, it can also bring some side effects such as:

  • Pain

  • Bruising or swelling

  • Infection

  • Minor bleeding

  • Inflammation

2. Hemorrhoidectomy (Best for Severe Piles – Grades 3 & 4)

It involves the surgical removal of Grades 3 & 4 hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids (that have fallen out), or large external hemorrhoids. This process may take 45 minutes to 1 hour.

How it Works:

  • Anesthesia: The healthcare provides general or local anesthesia to numb a particular area.

  • Incision: The surgeon will make an incision around the hemorrhoid.

  • Hemorrhoid Removal: They will carefully remove the swollen hemorrhoidal tissues from the rectal area.

  • Closure: Then, they will stitch the incision or leave it open, depending on the method used – open or closed surgery.

  • Covering: The wound will be covered using medicated gauze.


  • It takes usually 2-4 weeks to recover and 6-8 weeks to start strenuous activities.

  • The pain and discomfort will last for some days.

  • The healthcare providers may prescribe pain medications to prevent pain and stool softeners to avoid constipation.

  • They also suggest proper hygiene, a balanced diet, and follow-up appointments for speedy healing and prevention of complications. 

3. Hemorrhoid Stapling (Best for Internal Piles – Quick Recovery)

This surgical procedure involves the removal of hemorrhoidal tissue. It treats only internal, large, or prolapsed piles or hemorrhoids. It can’t help get rid of external hemorrhoids. This procedure takes around 30 minutes to complete.

How it Works:

  • Preparation: The providers will give general or local anesthesia to numb the affected area. 

  • Suture placement: They will place a suture around the bottom part of the hemorrhoids.

  • Stapler insertion: Then, the providers will insert a circular-shaped stapler through the anus to pull off the hemorrhoidal tissue.

  • Tissue excision: The stapler will cut off hemorrhoidal tissue while sticking the edges together at the same time, helping remove excess tissue and reposition the remaining ones.

  • Closure: The providers then remove the stapler and check for bleeding.


  • It takes 2 weeks to fully recover after the treatment.

  • You can resume daily activities within 1-2 weeks.

  • You may experience clear or yellowish discharge or minor bleeding which is normal.

  • The doctors may prescribe painkillers to alleviate pain and stool softeners to prevent constipation.

  • Along with medications, you will be asked to take a sitz bath, consume a balanced diet, and avoid strenuous activities. 

What Causes Piles? (Know the Triggers & Prevent Future Problems)

You should also know the root causes of piles to prevent the chances of their development in the future. Piles develop when the veins in the anal canal become swollen and cause pressure in the rectum. This happens due to the following reasons:

  • Straining while passing stool

  • Sitting in one place for long periods

  • Prolonged diarrhea or constipation

  • Low-fiber diet

  • Persistent cough

  • Heavy weight lifting

  • Aging that weakens the anal canal

  • Pregnancy (excessive pressure on abdominal area)

  • Family history

When to See a Doctor?

Consult with the healthcare providers if you persistently experience these symptoms:

The healthcare providers can help diagnose the exact cause and provide suitable treatment on the severity and type of hemorrhoids. 

How to Prevent Piles? (Lifestyle Changes to Avoid Recurrence)

Consider these tips to prevent the risk of piles:

  • Eat fiber-rich foods: Add whole grains, fruits, green veggies, and legumes to your everyday diet to prevent constipation issues.

  • Stay well-hydrated: Drink a lot of water as it helps soften the stools and eases their pass.

  • Exercise regularly: Practice light physical activities such as jogging or walking to improve circulation, ease digestion, and prevent constipation.

  • Avoid prolonged sitting: Make sure to take regular breaks if your work requires prolonged sitting as it helps prevent pressure on the anal veins.

  • Don’t strain while passing stools: Go for bowel movement only when you feel an urge to and do not strain as it can cause excessive pressure in the anal veins.

  • Practice good hygiene: Use moist wipes or gentle, unaromatic toilet paper to clean your anal area to avoid irritation.

  • Maintain a healthy body weight: Excessive body weight can put more pressure on the anal area which raises the chances of piles.

Pro Tip: Try a Sitz bath (warm water soak for 10-15 minutes) to reduce swelling & discomfort.

Final Thoughts

Though no treatment can help with piles cure in 3 days, surgery can provide quick treatment and speedy recovery. Laser treatment, hemorrhoidectomy, and hemorrhoid stapling are effective treatments that help with quick pile treatment. These surgical methods help treat severe cases that are causing pain and discomfort. So, if you ever experience intense pain or bleeding that persists or worsens, see a doctor immediately for accurate treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can piles go away without treatment?

Yes, mild cases can resolve without treatment. However, severe cases need professional treatments such as medications and surgery.

How long do hemorrhoids last?

Piles last for a few days to weeks. For instance, small piles last for some days, large piles take longer, and persistent hemorrhoids require surgery.

What happens if piles aren’t treated?

Piles may get worse which can lead to more pain, bleeding, and discomfort, affecting the quality of your life.

Is curd good for piles?

Yes, curd has probiotics which ease digestion, reduce inflammation, and prevent constipation. But, it’s not a cure.

Credit : Source Post

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